domingo, 23 de noviembre de 2008

Noelia gives a shout: SEX, DRUGS AND ROCK'n'ROLL!

Noé, you're a dick and you may dare me but I wont submit. May I say though, if I loved anyone I would never send such a confussing letter, I dont think you love any of these bellas, and i bet they're not that bellas otherwise they would be all over me, not begging you for love.
Leaving this behind, June, I fucked up, I'm fucked up. This is my confession to you in Am, E, F, C and G. This is absofuckinglutely brilliant, just for you:
Confession to June
May I say
I woke up late
therefore nothing is making sense today.
May I say
I love the rain
mainly splashing through all books in vain.
May I say
I tried to sing
and not a single drop hit on me.
Didn't do my best,
but IT is the best.
Old rope Gabriel's likely get away.
May I say
I'd drink until dead
Not a big fan of Tunqueray.
And may I say
I tried it on spring
before the whole thing went sown the sink
but I woke up late
therefore i might never make it up to you, babe.
June, let me explain,
I may get "late"
just because the dog my dues ate.
June, I say
We couldn't possibly be heroes
but we'll figure eachother's ways.

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